This week's challenge involves mud, weird rubber saucer-type-things, and a really bad decision on Marci's part.
Alison explains to the contestants that there is going to be an obstacle course set up in a pit of mud. Each team will start out with three contestants, and they will have to kneel on the rubber saucers, and pass a fourth saucer up the line in order to slowly advance through the mud. Once they have advanced thirty feet, they will pick up another teammate and saucer, and when they have advanced fifty feet, they will pick up another teammate and saucer. The first team to the end wins, but if anyone's foot touches the ground they have to go back and try again. So, basically, it's The Biggest Loser's version of that hot lava game you played as a kid.
Marci has to sit out one player, and for some strange reason keeps Sarah and sits out Courtney. Courtney and the rest of the team are surprised.
Red gets to the 30-foot mark first. Pulling the saucers out of the mud takes brute strength, which Rulon has and Sarah does not. Red has a pretty indisputable lead, but then Moses lets his foot hit the mud and they have to go back. Black has a chance to redeem themselves. However, Red creeps up from behind very quickly. The two teams are neck-in-neck at the finished, when Ken's foot slips into the mud. Red has to go back again, and as a result Black wins the challenge and a cool $6,000.
Last Chance Workouts
The Last Chance Workouts involve Cara pushing Ken, Moses, and Justin down onto gym mats, yelling at them to get up, and then pushing them down again. This is supposed to be helpful to them somehow. Also, she and Justin push each other around and it looks like they're going to make out, which is a scary thought. Especially because they're screaming in each other's faces about healing and fighting and things like that.
Meanwhile, Bob and Jillian have people doing stations. No one is making out or pushing people. I like that about Bob and Jillian.